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HPCSA Operations Under Alert Level 3

As we move to Alert Level 3 from 1 June 2020, Council will continue with its Business Continuity Plan to ensure ongoing practitioner access to HPCSA operations. Practitioners who have not yet paid their annual fees are reminded of the 30 June 2020 deadline. The HPCSA annual fees can be paid through our online portal.

A new study provides stark insights into the spread of COVID-19 following an emergency ward visit by a single patient that resulted in the infection of 129 individuals and the deaths of 15 patients within 8 weeks. We urge practitioners to adhere to the environmental guidelines to create and maintain a safe working space.

The NICD has issued new COVID-19 guidelines and practitioners can consult these contact resources for more information on the pandemic.

HPCSA Operations Level 3

The HPCSA will continue providing services to practitioners in line with its Business Continuity Plan aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19.

Provision has been made for registrations applications to be dropped off in boxes that are provided at the HPCSA for processing.

We recommend engaging the HPCSA online:

  • Annual Renewals can be accessed through the online platform from the HPCSA website up to the payment stage. Practitioners will also be able to view and print their registration documents.
  • Alternatively, payment of annual fees can be submitted via EFT using the banking details you find on the HPCSA website. Once the payments have been processed, practitioners can view their practicing card via the HPCSA portal.
  • New Applications can be lodged by submitting the required documentation to A new registration will be valid from the date of registration to 31 March 2021.
  • New applicants will still be required to provide original documents. Once certified by the HPCSA, the registration will be converted to permanent registration.
  • All applications will be processed within 72 hours and should practitioners not receive their registration certificates within this period, they can direct their enquiries to and copy – please include your HPCSA registration number to speed up the process.

The following registration applications remain on hold:

  • Registrations that require results of a Board Examination, e.g. Medical, Dental, Psychology examinations will only be attended to after the lockdown period.
  • Applications for persons who hold qualifications not prescribed for registration and those that are required to undergo an assessment as prescribed by the relevant Professional Boards remain on hold.

HPCSA Guidelines under the Disaster Management Act

Practitioners are reminded of the HPCSA guidelines and amendments to the existing regulations under the Disaster Management Act that will allow more practitioners into our health system and increase flexibility to practitioners’ responses to the pandemic. Further changes will be made when needed as we continue to closely monitor the developments in regard to the pandemic.

Practitioners requiring additional guidance from Council can submit their queries to

Last Updated on 1 June 2020 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs