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What you need to know about fees

Most practitioners enquire how their annual fees are structured. The determination of annual fees for each Professional Board is based on the size of the Board and the activities carried out by the particular Board during the course of the financial year.

Annual fees also include the amount needed to cover all indirect financial costs to run Council, including salaries and administration expenditure. Annual fees are increased to cover direct and indirect expenditure. When budgeting, the Professional Boards always negotiate the lowest possible fees and provide alternative strategies to prevent huge increases.

Council does not receive grants or subsidies from Government or any other institution. Therefore, the HPCSA is funded entirely by income generated from registered practitioners. These include income generated from annual, registration and other fees payable by practitioners.

Council, together with the 12 Professional Boards operating under its auspice are committed to the promotion of the healthcare of the South African population, determining standards of professional education and training as well as setting and maintaining fair standards of professional practice.

Fees paid by practitioners are used to facilitate the processes of quality assurance in terms of evaluation of educational institutions as well as internship training facilities. Prior to the final accreditation of an institution, the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Committee has to appoint evaluators in order to conduct site visits and provide a report for consideration. The annual fees are also used to fund the administrative activities in terms of conducting Board meetings based on the various committees present in the Boards.

Avoid erasure and restore your status
Erasure applies to those practitioners whose names were erased from the register for not paying their annual fees, non-compliance with Continuing Educational Units, suspension from the register or due to voluntary erasure.

Currently, the HPCSA is notifying those practitioners who have not paid their annual fees to do so. Based on the Health Professions Act, No. 56 of 1947, section stipulates that practitioners should pay their annual fees and failure to do so will result in the practitioner being erased from the register.

In order for a practitioner to be restored onto the register he/she has to apply to be restored by completing the application for Restoration, Form 18 which has to be submitted together with proof of payment of the restoration fee. The restoration fee is calculated as follows:

  1. Restoration within a period of six months after the erasure date is equivalent to two (2) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding annual fee(s);
  2. Restoration after a period of more than six months since the erasure date but within a year, restoration fee is equivalent to four times to the current annual fee, including the outstanding fee(s);
  3. Restoration fee after a period of 12 months since the erasure date, restoration fee is equivalent to five (5) times the current annual fee, including the outstanding fee(s).

Restoration after a period of 2 years after a practitioner’s name has been suspended from the register will have to comply with the restoration requirements and also the restoration policy of the relevant Professional Board.

Last Updated on 18 October 2016 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs