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Information document and Informed Consent for Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics and Arts Therapy Survey

Occupational Therapy practitioners are reminded of the invitation to participate in a survey by the task team of the Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics and Arts Therapy Board.

The research is entitled Investigating the Standards of Professional Practice, Clinical training and Competencies required for practice: Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics, and Arts Therapy in South Africa.

My name is Associate Professor Deshini Naidoo, and my colleagues Matty Van Niekerk,, and Mereille Pursad,, are with a research task team of the HPCSA Professional Board for  Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics and Arts therapy.

 You are being invited to consider participating in a study which aims to conduct comprehensive research into Standards of Professional Practice, clinical training and competencies required for practice for occupational therapy, medical orthotics and prosthetics, and arts therapy in South Africa and to explore participants’ views on the 1 000 clinical hours required for graduation.

 Please note: The survey is only open to registered Occupational Therapists. If you are willing to participate in this study, you can click here to fill out the survey.

By filling in the survey you are consenting to participate. The survey takes 30 minutes. You will be requested to answer questions in relation to what you perceive should be the Standards of Professional Practice, the clinical training and competencies required for practice for your profession and to explore your view on the 1 000 clinical hours required for graduation.


There is minimal psychological risk as the questions that will be asked are neither sensitive nor stress invoking as they pertain to the training course. However, should you feel uncomfortable with any questions, you have every right to make the researcher aware and you can withdraw or refuse to the answer the question with no repercussions.


This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities Social Science and Research Ethics Committee.

In the event of any problems or concerns/questions you may contact:

  • The researcher at; OR
  • The UKZN Humanities Social Science and Research Ethics Committee:
    Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Administration
    Research Office, Westville Campus – Govan Mbeki Building
    Private Bag X 54001
    KwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA
    Tel: 27 31 2604557- Fax: 27 31 2604609

Participation in this research is voluntary and participants may withdraw participation at any point. In the event of refusal/withdrawal of participation the participant will not incur penalty.


Confidentiality will be ensured throughout the study process. Data will be de-identified when capturing to ensure that you are not identifiable. The name of your institution will not be disclosed nor published in any form.

Last Updated on 9 January 2024 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs