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Abiding by scope of practice

There is growing concern by the Professional Board for Dental Therapy and Oral Hygiene that members of the profession under its ambit continue to work outside of their current scope of practice. It is therefore necessary to caution anyone who is practicing as such, or behaving unethically by transgressing the ethical guidelines of the HPCSA, to be aware of the possibility of disciplinary action.

The HPCSA Ethical Rules stipulate that practitioners cannot be forced to perform any duty outside their scope. The onus is upon the person employed to act within the confines of their training and scope of profession in an ethical manner – so as to uphold the integrity of the professional category they belong to.

Click here for a copy of the HPCSA Ethical Rules or contact the HPCSA at (+27) 12 338 9300 or (+27) 12 338 9301 or


Last Updated on 21 September 2017 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs