The HPCSA urges all healthcare practitioners to ensure that their annual fees are paid by 1 April 2015. On time payments eliminate the need for penalty fees or being suspended from practice. Non-compliance can lead to a variety of punishments, as practicing without an HPCSA registration is a criminal offence in terms of the Health Professions Act of 1974.
The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), in terms of section 62 (1) under Government Notices R. 2281 and R. 2283 of December 1976 has published the 2015 Annual fees.
Practitioners are reminded to use their registration number as reference to avoid misallocation of funds.
In a bid to meet the increasing demands for healthcare registration and annual fee renewals, the HPCSA will be embarking on nationwide off site renewals campaign. This basically means that as practitioners all you have to do is to visit the site where the renewals are taking place, produce proof of payment and you will immediately receive the HPCSA practice card.
The Registration Department will be offering the following services:
• Registration
• Renewal
• Extension of registration
• Category changes
• Additional category
• Change of address
• Allocation of payment
• Payments – cards only, no cash
• Statement analysis
Alas the Registration Department will not provide the following services:
• Registration of foreign qualifications
• Registration of specialists
• Certification of status
For further information regarding the annual fees, banking details, please visit the HPCSA website and click here for off site renewals.
Last Updated on 6 March 2015 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs