The metropole OTs in the Western Cape generally hosts its annual district forum to discuss matters related to OT service delivery and provide key OT updates from a provincial and national perspective. In July this year the forum core decided to provide undivided attention to the OT staff recognising the post-COVID impact on working relations which directly influence service outputs. By acknowledging the occupational therapy staff uniqueness and challenges faced, as well as recognising and celebrating their dedication as public servants to the population so widely served, the forum focused on getting to know each other and to foster interpersonal working relationships. In line with the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness motto, “Working Better Together”, the focus is on fostering a strengthened OT community.
Embracing the combined WFOT and OTASA theme in celebration of OT Week and World OT day, “Unity through Community: Embracing the Change,” fifty-four OTs were given the opportunity to re-connect and re-establish relationships with each other. It is envisaged that this intervention will help OTs understand their colleagues (key stakeholders) and enhance communication skills to provide optimal service delivery and eventually strive towards service excellence. Key challenges noted in the OT service delivery platform such as outdated referral pathways, referral criteria and limited resources, were shared during interactive activities of “What’s on your Plate” which highlighted the basic need to support our own OT community first, in order to effectively support the communities served.
Feedback from one of the independent facilitators, a staff Wellness OT, noted, “A big theme highlighted was how undervalued our profession is, and how OT is misunderstood in many ways… it was inspiring to see that OT’s on the platform are passionate about their profession and have many hidden skills that would be helpful in creating a united voice and advocate for our profession on various platforms…. we have the opportunity to create a cohesive unit…”
The facilitatory work by the Staff Wellness OT, an ex-public service OT and clinical social worker continues, and it is hoped that in doing this the OTs can work better together!
Article by: Rogini Pillay on behalf of the Metro WC OT Forum
Last Updated on 26 October 2023 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs