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Latest on PBEC practice guidelines

During October 2016, the Professional Board for Emergency Care (PBEC) released the draft Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) to stakeholders for comment. After numerous requests, the deadline was extended to 27 January 2017. Currently, PBEC has received a total of 79 comments on the draft CPGs from various persons and organisations. The comments ranged from anecdotal views to additional scientific content linked to the CPGs.

During the month of February, the PBEC categorised and consolidated the comments. Based on the nature of the comments, the review of certain aspects of the CPG will now take place with various stakeholders. Subsequent to this review, an introduction and implementation plan will be communicated to stakeholders for comment.

The PBEC would like to remind all registered persons that the 2016 CPGs and proposed list of capabilities have not yet been finalised, and therefore should not be implemented in daily clinical practice at this point. Best practice guidelines and statements should, however, enjoy strong consideration provided they fall in line with the various regulated scopes of practice. The PBEC takes this opportunity to thank all those who participated in providing comments on the proposed Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Last Updated on 10 March 2017 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs