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Committed to collaboration

HPCSA met with AfriForum on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 to the discuss issues relating to registration and the downloading of the certificates by healthcare practitioners, who are members of AfriForum.

AfriForum and HPCSA in engagement: Mr D Eloff (AfriForum Attorney), Dr M Kwinda (Ombudsman), Ms K Nkoane (Registrations Manager), Dr TM Pinkoane (Acting Registrar/CEO) Ms M Taute (AfriForum Head of Campaigns), Mr D Mametja (Head of Department: Core Operations), Ms V Nqaba (Chief Information Officer), Ms M De Graaff (Head of Department: Finance and Supply Chain Management/Chief Financial Officer) and Mr C Tsatsawane (Head of Division: Corporate Affairs)

The two organisations discussed issues relating to the registration process, downloading of a practising certificate, and future collaboration.

In the meeting AfriForum  raised concerns for HPCSA to attend to which among others include the downloading of practising certificates online, the need for a campaign to inform healthcare practitioners of collaboration between HPCSA and AfriForum on issues relating to healthcare practitioners.

Both organisations will in future collaborate in the best interest of healthcare practitioners. AfriForum also emphasised that it will encourage its members to use the HPCSA online services. The HPCSA also committed that it will always be accessible and responsive to requests from AfriForum and other stakeholders.

Last Updated on 21 September 2022 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs