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First aid for occupational therapists

Health emergencies happen daily and often during office hours. Knowing how to effectively and efficiently deal with an emergency situation at work can save a life. As such, first-aid training has been made mandatory for occupational therapists.

The Professional Board for Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics & Arts Therapy recently announced that all practitioners should have the necessary skills and knowledge of first aid to deal with minor workplace emergencies such as minor injuries, epilepsy, blood sugar related emergencies, CPR and correct positioning of a person who loses consciousness.

At a recent Board meeting, it was decided that first-aid training must be included as part of the exit-level competencies for practitioners falling under the ambit of the Board.

Practitioners working in underserved areas and in private practice, should equip themselves to deal with emergencies and do refresher courses on a regular basis, the Board recommended.

“As a few minutes can save someone’s life, all practitioners should be familiar with emergency procedures as it is essential for practitioners to know how to deal with life-threatening situations and be able to stabilise a patient,” Prof Alfred Ramukumba, chairperson of the Board, said.

Last Updated on 11 April 2017 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs