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New regulations for BAAs, AEAs and OECOs

The regulations relating to the qualifications for the registration of Basic Ambulance Assistants (BAAs), Ambulance Emergency Assistants (AEAs), Paramedics and Operational Emergency Care Orderlies (OECOs) have reference.

This letter serves as a reminder that as from 1 February 2018 the BAA, OECO and Paramedic (CCA) qualifications will no longer entitle a person to registration with the HPCSA in these categories. However, any person who obtained these qualifications prior to the promulgation of the regulations on 27 January 2017 or within twelve (12) months after the date of the promulgation of the regulations will be entitled to register as BAAs, OECOs and Paramedics (CCA). It should however, be noted that the Professional Board for Emergency Care requires persons who have not registered within two (2) years of date of having obtained any of the qualifications in emergency care to comply with certain conditions, e.g. successful completion of an examination, etc.

Persons whose names are on the BAA, OECO and Paramedic (CCA) register on 31 January 2018 will remain on the relevant registers if they pay their annual fees. The Board encourages Emergency Care Providers to ensure that their annual fees are paid to avoid the payment of penalty fees for the restoration of their names and compliance with any other requirements as may be determined by the Board for the restoration of names to the relevant registers.

As from 1 February 2020 the Ambulance Emergency Assistant qualification and National Diploma in Emergency Medical Care will no longer entitle Ambulance Emergency Assistants and Paramedics (N DIP) to register with the HPCSA in these categories.

Last Updated on 25 July 2017 by HPCSA Corporate Affairs